At FastNewSmile we provide our services with the highest quality of patient care, and know that our work is a step forward in the quality of life for our patients. From single implants to full bridges, FastNewSmile is dedicated to making our patients proud to show off their smile and enjoy living a higher quality of life with their dental implants.
Dental Implants Boost Confidence
With dental implants patients no longer have to worry about having to remove a set of dentures each night, or worse, having said dentures remove themselves in a public setting. Dental implants are a permanent solution to a problem that many people across the Dallas Metroplex are extremely self-conscious about.
According to a report from the International Journal of Dentistry, women who had postmenopausal osteoporosis and had implants placed, reported higher levels of satisfaction in both their work and social lives.
Dental implants have the look and feel of regular teeth and according to numerous studies, have a very high long-term success rate. With implants, not only can patients display their smiles with pride, but do not have to worry about tooth decay within the implant, or having to change up their brushing routine. Dental implants are able to be maintained just like the natural teeth patients were born with.
Promote Jaw Health Post-Implants
When implants are placed into a patient’s mouth they are directly connected to the jaw bone. Typically, dental implants are compatible with natural bone tissue that is critical to the composure of a person’s facial structure. When the loss of a tooth occurs, the bone tissue in the affected area suffers and can lead to oral issues like facial collapse.
Aside from bone health, implants also promote gum health in patients. With missing teeth, the gums are exposed to bacteria and also create extremely difficult areas to clean and maintain. Therefore, people missing teeth without implants, face the likelihood of plaque buildup and recurring gum disease. Dental implants fill out the exposed spaces of the mouth and reduce the risk of bacteria and disease that can infect the gums of a patient.
Prevent Tooth Shifting
As mentioned before, the loss of a tooth creates a gap in the structure of a person’s jaw. With a missing tooth, the surrounding teeth lacking the physical support of the missing tooth, shift inwards and can ruin the tooth alignment of the jaw, making it hard to bite, clean, and keep the affected teeth disease-free.
With the support of a dental implant in place, it not only fills the void of the missing tooth, but connects directly to the jaw bone, keeping a smile straight and sparkling.
Improve your Life Today with FastNewSmile
Dental Implants are not just a means to ending denture use. They are vital ways to improve the quality of life in patients who need the surgical care. From preventing numerous diseases to encouraging the act of smiling, FastNewSmile is determined to helping our patients enjoy their life in a healthy, fulfilling manner. We are the only dental implant center in Dallas, TX that offers a true Lifetime Guarantee. Contact FastNewSmile today for a consultation and find out how dental implants can better your smile.