The premier dental implant centers in Dallas
Dec 16, 2020

Can I Use an Electric Toothbrush on My New Dental Implants?

Woman brushing teeth with electric toothbrush.

A fresh installation of dental implants is something to be proud of this holiday season. At FastNewSmile® Dental Implant Center, we understand that you’d want to keep them pristine for family photos and may want to start keeping them clean right away. One of the most popular methods of oral care is the electric toothbrush. Although it’s been proven to be one of the most efficient ways to keep your mouth clean, we often get questions about if electric brushing will impact the work we’ve done. Here’s a delve into what the “issue” is about electric toothbrushes and what proper steps you should take post-surgery to keep your mouth clean.

What’s the Concern About Electric Toothbrushes and Dental Implants?

Electric toothbrushes clean your mouth through the vibration of bristles against your teeth and gums. Many people believe that after getting dental implants, the vibration of the device will lead to the implant not attaching itself to the jawbone properly, resulting in implant failure.

Do I Have to Get Rid of My Electric Toothbrush?

The truth is, no, you don’t. Electric toothbrushes are excellent tools for helping you care for your oral health. However, we don’t recommend that you use them directly after your implant surgery. When to bring back your electric toothbrush is definitely something to talk about with your prosthodontist. Different brushes bring different levels of power to their care, so you’ll want to be wary of the stress that you bring to your dental implant surgery site. Heavy vibrations could lead to the destruction you fear. The same can be said for toothbrushes in general. Heavy brushing is something that no dental implant specialist recommends directly after a surgery. Your implants are meant to be low maintenance, your after care should strive to be gentle when it comes to brushing.

It’s Not Just Electric Toothbrushes to Worry About

As a side note and a means to stress how delicate your initial implants are, your implants could be damaged simply by the vibration of chewing. This is why we recommend that patients stick to our prescribed liquid and soft food diet during the initial months of healing.

What Hygienic Steps Should Be Taken Directly After Implantation?

Initially, you will not be able to brush your teeth during the dental implant healing process. We usually recommend that patients rinse their mouths with warm salt water to prevent infection as the site heals. During post-surgery consultation, we will gladly help you understand the do’s and don’ts of keeping your mouth fresh during the healing process. Every case is unique and should be approached as such.

FastNewSmile Dental Implant Center Helps Our Patients Understand the Total Implant Process

If you’re ready to give yourself the gift of a FastNewSmile this holiday season, our Dallas office is always accepting new appointments. Let our expert implant specialists help answer your questions and get you excited about your new smile. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.